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Ray Ban Mirror Lens

已有 554 次阅读2015-6-12 09:54

With a http://www.bghlawer.cn/plus/view.php?aid=17181 variety of protective Ray Ban eye-wear to choose from, mirror sunglasses stand out by giving advanced protection from the sun, as well as minimizing glare. The tinted Ray Ban lenses are thickened with a reflective optical coating, usually a gold, blue, silver or copper glaze. Called a mirror or flash coating, it stops light from passing through, better protecting eyes from irreversible damage. Due to the reflective property, a one-way mirror effect is http://jiankangtw.com/plus/view.php?aid=160630 created. The wearer can see through the lens, but the outside world sees a reflection. These Ray ban sunglasses are far more effective in blocking Ultraviolet rays and High-Energy Visible Light than traditional sunglasses. Regular sunglasses rely on a dark tint to shield the light, letting harmful UV rays through. Ray ban Mirror sunglasses use tint as well as reflection, giving additional UV protection from other sunglasses, ranging anywhere from 10% to 60% less exposure.

Ray ban Mirror sunglasses continue to maintain their immense popularity among both celebrities and non-celebrities. They combine fashion and practicality due to their specific mirrored style and high level of protection from harmful sun rays. There are many famous people who wear Ray Ban mirror sunglasses, contributing to their continued popularity. They are the most common sunglasses worn by celebrities because of their stylish appearance, ability to eliminate eye contact and protection of their eyes from the flashes of paparazzi cameras. Celebrities who http://www.sjzzsxh.com/plus/feedback.php?aid=4947 define their style with Ray Ban mirrored sunglasses are Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Jessica Simpson, Lenny Kravitz, Eva Longoria and many more.

These Ray Ban sunglasses have been making various fashion statements for several decades, appearing everywhere from major motion pictures to professional sports arenas. Many people know them as "cop shades," due to their popularity with police. Mirror shades are considered to give a psychological upper hand, as they hide the eyes, disabling people from reading the wearer's expressions. This also presents the ability to hide dark circles and red, puffy eyes. They are most commonly seen in Aviator form, such as the ones worn by characters in The Matrix trilogy, as well as police forces. The other style http://www.5hey.com/plus/view.php?aid=41669 is a wraparound, having the appearance of goggles, which are popular with athletes. While available in various colors, blue and yellow tints have been shown to enhance visibility. 相关的主题文章:






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